support your leaders

help your leaders thrive

build capacity, help them grow

Support Your Leaders - Then Somehow

how it works

We believe leadership is less about the traits and heroics of individuals, it is less about formal organisational ‘roles’ and more about teams and collaboration, more about the activity, the behaviours: ‘leading’ as opposed to ‘leadership’. Leadership as practice.

We help people move forward into complexity with ‘courage, purpose and skill’.

We believe Leading is:

  • A collective activity – everyone leads
  • About releasing β€˜agency’ and reducing barriers to action
  • And enabling ‘agility’
  • About reducing command-and-control in favour of collaborative and cooperative practices
  • And more about concurrent or parallel working than serial waterfall projects
  • Solutions-focussed rather than problem-focussed
  • Compassionate – ‘preserving dignity regardless of background, status or point of view’

The core skills are relational, meaning-making and working with ‘dissensus’. It is these skills we teach and practise together to help people lead with confidence and authenticity whether they are established leaders, new in post or working informally, distributed across an organisation.

We believe working to establish a culture of collective leadership can dramatically improve outputs and outcomes.

We support people through programmes that:

We think the fastest way to learn is by doing. Acting your way into a new way of thinking is more effective than thinking your way into a new way of acting. Our programmes are practice based, helping you to develop skills you can use straight away to help you think differently about your role and positively change the way that your teams experience you.

Skills, tools and modules include:

  • Understanding expectations of roles
  • Building confidence
  • Finding an authentic style
  • Working collaboratively with colleagues and departments
  • Managing increased workload
  • Navigating difficult situations and challenging conversations
  • Establishing a network for peer support
  • Delegating well
  • Managing up
  • Understanding how others experience you
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β€œTeamwork begins by building trust. And the only way to do that is to overcome our need for invulnerability.”

Patrick Lencioni
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